Friday, November 22, 2013

New Mixtape Review - Don Dee - Fresh Out The Kitchen

Don Dee w/
Fresh Out The Kitchen
Overall Rating: 8/10
Lyrics: 7/10 Originality: 7/10
Production: 8/10
Quality: 8/10

First impressions are everything when it comes to anything new in this world. You either have it right off the back or you run the risk of losing the battle before it begins. The "Fresh Out The Kitchen"  mixtape won the first impression battle hands down from the moment I hit the play button.  A quarter of the way through the tape I was still interested in listening, and still highly anticipating what was next to come. Lyrically at this moment this is strictly street music for the traps. As for production there is a nice selection for everybody to vibe to and bump hard down the streets of their city.
Rolling into the second quarter the mixtape Don Dee maintains the same level of quality, with heavy bangers like the street anthem "Makin Plays" helping prove consistency is not a problem at all. This mixtape features a few re-makes of some popular tracks like "Don't Kill My Vibe" from Kendrick Lamar but Don Dee proves that he is worthy of the  usage.

Back to talking about lyrics Don Dee definitely has the potential to do much more with his music. I hear tons of potential in his powerful rap style. However I must say that Don Dee is another classic case of a talented musician who chooses to speak about the struggle in a way that sheds light on the negativity that surrounds it.

This mixtape definitely gets 2 thumbs up for quality and consistency of well put together music. Don Dee definitely knows how to make music with mass appeal. Next time around I would love to hear the other side of Don Dee, the side of him that chooses to educate the mind a little bit with some music of substance.

I have no problem with the type of music that he makes, as I said it is very well put together. However I don't think there is any side of the streets we have not already heard on wax before. This mixtape was simply a bit too saturated with trap style music and could have had music that related to other lifestyles involved.

Now, of course like I end every review, we ask the ultimate question. If I were to be approached by Don Dee in the streets and asked to purchase a copy of this music, would I?....... HELL YES! Matter of fact I think we should all buy a copy of this mixtape. The kid can rap circles around most independent artists and deserves much respect for his talent.

Listen to Don Dee - "Fresh Up Out The Kitchen" -
Follow @Don31068 on twitter to connect with Don Dee

Written by:
  Major Music Promotions -
  Focus the Producer, C.E.O, Record Producer
  DirtyScopeBeatz HQ: Bronx, New York
  Text or Call: (504)329-0884
 "Get Produced. Get Promoted. Get Famous."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tony Thrax - South Lands EP - Music Review

Tony Thrax - South Lands EP
Overall Rating - 5/10

Originality - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Production - 5/10
Engineering - 4/10
Layout - 4/10
Artist Potential - 7/10

When reviewing music I look deeper than today's standards, I look for that "it" factor. I look for something that suggest to me that an artist is worth the support of the public. Something that tells me supporting their music would do some justice in the world of hip hop. I also look for potential, talent, and sheer understanding of what music is supposed to sound like.

Today we are looking at the "Tony Thrax - South Lands EP" on For all of the music lovers out there this is still worth a listen. Just to give a fellow independent artist a shot there are some that will tune in. However, for those who are looking to spend money on new music for their enjoyment, this EP would be a total bust.

The production is far off from being classic material, the engineering is a complete mess, and the layout of the individual tracks is a catastrophe. Some of the songs go a full minute before you actually get to hear someone rap, and after waiting that long the lyrics are not a treat that's worth the patience. Lets not mention the fact that the EP is repetitive and dry with no excitement what so ever. Had I been a regular listener the CD would have been ejected by the second song.

The good thing here is that the artist is not completely hopeless. He does have some lyrical talent and had it not been for the horrible production and engineering around his bars mixed with the outdated screwed up concept he would actually have a chance to win over the crowd. My advice for Tony Thrax is to get rid of the producer and tell your engineer to record your vocals a bit better. Also never drop a project without mastering it ever again, its not everyone that can do that.

Overall, this is not the worst sounding music I have ever heard in my life. Not to speak for every single person in the world but to speak for myself I would say this. Had I been approached by Tony Thrax in the streets to purchase this EP, for the sole purpose of supporting a young up and comer I would, but the music itself would have nothing to do with the purchase.

Check out "Tony Thrax - South Lands EP"  and decide for yourself if its worth the listen.